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Smart Social - Internet Safety




Many of our students have a cellphone, tablet, or even gaming systems with Internet access and social media. While advances in technology have many great rewards, there is also the potential for harm. 

In addition to cyberbullying, there are concerns about safety, mental health, and wellness. It seems that every day another social media app or social media challenge becomes popular. In some cases, these apps allow strangers to contact children, or make it easy to anonymously bully other children. Or, the social media challenges pose great dangers to students’ or bystanders’ physical safety.  In answer to these dangers, we have been looking for a resource that can help parents of our community learn the ins and outs of social media and online dangers, and the challenges of parenting in the digital age.

We are excited to announce that DUSD has recently partnered with for its on-demand courses for parents and students. The SmartSocial resources cover a wide range of digital and social media topics. We have purchased a parent subscription package for these resources to help you learn how to navigate the negative (and positive) parts of social media with your students. 

With more than 130 parent, educator, & student courses available on-demand, this resource promises to help bridge the gap between the ever-changing digital landscape and the very real need to guide our students.  

Some of our courses include:

  • Smartphone and Social Media Agreement Class (For students, parents, & educators)

  • Navigating TikTok (A course for students,  parents, & educators)

  • Navigating Instagram (A course for students, parents, & educators)

  • Navigating YouTube (A course for students, parents, & educators)

  • Navigating Snapchat (A course for students, parents, & educators)

  • Navigating Fortnite, Overwatch, Call of Duty & Other Violent Video Games (A course for students & parents)

  • Navigating Roblox, Minecraft, & Other Non-Violent Video Games (A course for students & parents)

  • Navigating College Readiness on Social Media Networks (A course for students, parents, & educators)

  • +And more!

As we all know, the digital footprint and the social media presence that young people create can have a lasting impact.  Parental guidance, as well as guidance from trusted adults at school, are needed. For older students, we will begin the process of preparing for college and career and can help parents support their students in putting their best foot forward with social media and a digital portfolio.  

Normally membership to the SmartSocial resources is $60-180/year. DUSD parents can now join the SmartSocial Membership for FREE. Our school’s membership gives each family access to the SmartSocial courses for free through 7/31/24. This is a unique opportunity to learn from experts in the social media space - from the comfort of your home or office. Click this link to register today!