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Early Intervention Classroom (EIC) - DUSD Preschool Program

Located at:

Address: 182 S J St, Dinuba, CA 93618

Phone: 595-7220 ext. 2920

Dinuba Unified School District offers a preschool program for three and four-year-old children (Not enrolled in transitional kindergarten) who demonstrate a need for early intervention. The Early Intervention Class (EIC) is designed to provide intervention for children that are experiencing delays in cognition, communication, social-emotional, and adaptive skills. The preschool program is designed to provide an opportunity to develop communication, social, functional, and readiness skills for TK/Kindergarten. Our goal in providing an enriched preschool environment is to prepare each child for a successful school experience. The EIC preschool program offers two class sessions Monday through Friday. The schedule is as follows: AM Session- 8:30am-11:00am and PM Session- 12:00pm-2:30pm.


Please select the program of your choice below.

Michael Adams

Michael Adams
Director Special Student Services
Phone: 559-595-7210


Annabelle Pantoja
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 559-595-7212


Diana Islas
Lead Psychologist

Work Cell: 559-909-8716
School Sites: PreSchool 


Selina Jimenez
Preschool School Office Assistant 

Work Cell: 559-595-7220 ext. 2920
School Sites: PreSchool