Special Student Services
Welcome to Special Student Services!
The Special Student Services Department oversees the special education programs, Section 504 accommodation plans, health services, psychological services/speech services, SARB/CARB (School Attendance Review Board/Court Appointed Review Board), Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports (PBIS), social work services, and preschool programs. Our departments also work very closely with general education staff to support our students with academic and behavioral interventions. We are available to assist parents, students, and staff with any special needs of students.
We are now located at:
Dinuba Vocational Center 199 N L St.
Dinuba, CA 93618
Please do not hesitate to contact the Special Student Services Department if we may be of any assistance to you.
Michael Adams, Director of Special Student Services (559) 595-7210
Whitney Gonzales, Student Services Program Director (559) 595-0590
Rita Leon Administrative Assistant (559) 595-7211
Annabelle Pantoja Administrative Assistant (559) 595-7212
Sabrina Gomez Grant Administrative Assistant (559) 595-7248 sabrina.gomez@dinuba.k12.ca.us