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Secure Browser For Windows

Secure Browser for Windows

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This procedure installs the secure browser for Windows 8, 8.1, and 10.

If you would prefer to watch a video of the installation process, view the Downloading the Secure Browser on a Windows Computer video.

How to Install the Secure Browser for Windows

Take these steps to install the secure browser for Windows:

  1. Select the [Download the Secure Browser for Windows] button on this page. Note: when you download the file, you may see a warning about downloading potentially harmful files from the internet, but the secure browser program is safe to download and run.
  2. Depending on the web browser you are using, you will take one of these steps to open the Secure Browser Setup wizard:
    1. If you are presented with a choice to run or save the installation file, select the [Run] button.
    2. If you are presented only with the option to save the installation file, save it where you can find it. Then, double-click the installation file that was downloaded (named CASecureBrowserX.X-YYYY-MM-DD.msi) to run it.
  3. Follow the instructions in the setup wizard. When you are prompted for setup type, select the [Install] button.
  4. Select the [Finish] button to exit the setup wizard. A shortcut icon named [CASecureBrowser] should have been added to the computer’s desktop.
  5. Run the secure browser by double-clicking the [CASecureBrowser] shortcut icon on the desktop. The secure browser opens, displaying the student logon screen. The secure browser fills the entire screen and hides the task bar.
  6. To exit the secure browser, select the “X” in the upper-right corner of the screen.

How to Uninstall the Secure Browser

When the secure browser is no longer needed on your personal computer, there are multiple ways to uninstall the program.

  1. Select the Start menu and locate the program CASecureBrowser. Rick-click the program and select Uninstall.
  2. Alternatively, use the Windows search function and enter “Add or remove programs.” Select the Add or remove programs system setting page. You can also locate this page by navigating to the Start menu and selecting SettingsApps. Locate and select the program CASecureBrowser and select Uninstall.