Information Technology IT
Information Technology Services Department
As a department we strive to provide excellent customer service. We assist our faculty and students by ensuring that technology works properly and that repairs are made as soon as possible when they are required.
- IT Help Desk. Our help desk support system is available for all our DUSD staff. In the queue or through a phone call, we help to answer questions, issue resolutions, service requests, and informational inquiries for all DUSD supported systems.
- IT Security. We strive to keep our student's and staff information from being stolen or compromised. We protect the confidentiality of data, preserve the integrity of data, and we restrict the availability of data only to authorized users.
- Project Management. With new technology products and services coming out to the public constantly. Planning and executing these projects according to scope, time and budget are essential.
Department Vision
To be recognized for delivering excellence in customer service, collaborative teamwork, and to remain on the cutting edge of technology.
Our Mission
To provide outstanding user support, an efficient team environment while maintaining secure, reliable, and scalable IT Systems.
IT Help Desk (559) 595-7337 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 12 PM; 1:00 PM - 3:30 PMĀ
Technology Help Desk: (559) 595-7337
Ramon Rivera
Director of Information Technology
Auggie Lopez
Lead Technician
Julia Costa
Administrative Assistant
(559) 595-7208