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Educational Technology

Welcome to Educational Technology

The Educational Technology Department works closely with district departments and schools to:

  • facilitate technology integration into instruction
  • provide technology professional development for staff
  • implement/maintain technology apps and tools for instruction and assessment.

Along with this, the department's Data Team provides data collection and analysis of district data for assessment, along with state and federal reporting.  Dr. Matt Gehrett leads the department.  Kiersten Flores is the department's administrative assistant.

  • SIS (Student Information Systems)
    • This department is responsible for PowerSchool and our student data. Sinoeun Mao is the District Student Information Support Technician. Sinoeun supports sites with PowerSchool and CALPADS reporting needs for the district to ensure we have clean, accurate data.
  • Data and Accountability
    • This department assists in collecting data and developing reports for local assessments such as Benchmarks, Attendance, Discipline, Intervention, annual compliance reviews including SARC, Williams, CBEDS, State (LCAP/LCFF, CAASPP, CBEDS, ELPAC, PFT, CTE, Linked Learning), and Federal reporting as well as supporting the district in meeting testing and reporting deadlines.  Macie Fernandez and Febe Cabrera are the District Data and Accountability Technicians.


Dr. Gehret

Matt Gehrett, Ed.D.
Educational Technology Director

(559) 595-7213 - Office
(559) 960-7427 - Cell

Kiersten Flores

Kiersten Flores
Administrative Assistant

(559) 595-7200 ext. 3007

To make a data request, please fill out the form at this link (  Thanks.

Data Request Form