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Education Protection Act Funding EPA

Education Protection Account Program

Proposition 30, the Governor’s Tax Measure, impacted Revenue Limit funding for the current year and subsequent years.  The primary focus of Prop 30 was whether or not revenue limits would be cut $441 per ADA. Had the measure failed, the revenue limit deficit factor would have been increased from 22.272% to 28.814% to implement the reduction.   With the passage of Prop 30, there is no increase to the deficit factor, thus flat funding was maintained in 2012-2013. 

The Prop 30 funding will flow through a newly established Education Protection Account (EPA). This funding must be maintained in the SACS Resource 14000 to accommodate the additional accountability requirements which include:

  • The annual expenditure plan must be approved by the governing board in a public meeting;
  • EPA funds cannot be used for salaries or benefits of administrators or any other administrative costs;
  • LEA’s must publish annually on the Internet website an accounting of the money;
  • The independent audit of each LEA shall verify the funds have been properly disbursed and expended.

Dinuba Unified School District’s

2020 - 2021 Expenditure Plan

Total Allocation $8,448,832.00

2020 - 2021 EPA

2019 - 2020 EPA

 2018 - 2019 EPA

2017 - 2018 EPA

2016-2017 EPA

EPA 2015-2016 Revised

EAP 2014-2016 & 2015-2016